The amount of people that compose the digital community has been increasing as time goes by, what is a good thing, once it means that more and more individuals are getting access to technology. Computer network were created with this specific objective,
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turn the exchange of information possible among people, and, because they got more comfortable with the internet and its services, today we have a huge community on the network. Therefore, similar to any other existent group, it is necessary to establish some roles and responsibilities to the members, in this case, the digital citizens. Furthermore, being a digital citizen involves more than just using the services provided, it is also associated with respecting the other citizens, and being aware that rules of conduct should be considered.
Source: /2011/07/29/what-is-our-responsibility-of-a-digital-citizen/ |
The term digital citizenship, according to Terry Heick, the author of "The Definition Of Digital Citizenship", means "the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities." In other words, it is the result of people's behavior, and their contributions will affect the digital environment (how the other citizens will respond to it).
At the same time that the digital world becomes even more available to the population, it is necessary to make people aware that they are completely responsible for the information they share, for making sure that what they read is truthful, and for their attitudes, once it can affect the community.
- Heick, T. (2013). The Definition Of Digital Citizenship.
Retrieved from:
- Ribble, M. (2015). Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship.
Digital Citizenship.
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